“Whatever yer done …” The natural desire to assign control over events to victims is behind victim-shaming and appeasement of enemy regimes … it’s a hard-wired human response, but it is rarely rational.
Oooor it could be that they’re angrily chasing him in particular, ergo he must have done something to get them particularly riled up. (Tell me, does the Che Guevara shirt come with a philosophy textbook or vice versa?)
Please tell me the fools armed the jailers …
Hmm. On the one hand, dead end. On the other, free militia?
Figures the guy with no depth perception would be relegated to being the jailer…
If we’re bustin’ out, EVERYBODY’S bustin’ out! Yee haw!
I’m just curious how a snake works a pick axe.
“Whatever yer done …” The natural desire to assign control over events to victims is behind victim-shaming and appeasement of enemy regimes … it’s a hard-wired human response, but it is rarely rational.
Oooor it could be that they’re angrily chasing him in particular, ergo he must have done something to get them particularly riled up. (Tell me, does the Che Guevara shirt come with a philosophy textbook or vice versa?)